Lent: Time To Grow Spiritually

Lent: Time to grow spiritually and prepare for the resurrection life

LENT: An important time in the Christian calendar when we can prepare our hearts and spirits for Jesus. As Easter approaches, we draw nearer to the cross, where He paid the ultimate sacrifice. Before beginning his ministry, Christ spent 40 days in the wilderness preparing for his public ministry. We all have spent time in the wilderness this past year and soon will be able to move out into a more public ministry. This is the time to prepare yourself.

This web page includes a list of the scriptures used during the six Sundays prior to Easter and a calendar of daily activities and prayer focus. We would encourage you to read through the scriptures. As an alternative to the activity calendar, you can use the following weekly focus, from the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation. However you spend your time this Lenten season, use it to grow spiritually and prepare for the resurrection life.

1st Sunday/week – PRAY: Prayer is God’s invitation into conversation. It is our way to be thankful, bring our needs and desires to God, and offer up prayers on behalf of others. This week, read and pray the Lord’s Prayer, then create your own prayer that you can use throughout Lent.

2nd Sunday/week – SERVE: COVID-19 has impacted many traditional ways you can serve others. But we know God continues to command us to care for “the least of these.” This week, consider how you can serve your family, neighbors, or coworkers.

3rd Sunday/week – THANK: More than an expression, thankfulness is an attitude through which we can live out God’s blessings in our lives. Each day, thank someone in your life who has shown you God’s goodness in some way.

4th Sunday/week – GIVE: Because we believe that “Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand,” this week, find ways to give.

5th Sunday/week – REFLECT: Living a full life requires change and adaptation. We’ve all experi- enced a lot of that in the past year! Reflect on this season of Lent. What have you learned about God? Yourself? Others? How do you feel, as Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice draws near?

6th Sunday/week – WORSHIP: Palm Sunday ushers in the last days before Easter. This week, seek out in-person or virtual worship opportunities. Experience the fullness of this important season in the life of the Church. Praise God for this time of fasting, prayer, giving, thankfulness, service, and reflection.