Pastor Jennifer delivers the message each Sunday for Calvary/Brookside/Trinity United Methodist Church from Trinity UMC. To watch her message please visit Trinity’s Facebook page.
FEBRUARY 23 Rev. Frederick Cain
Text/title: Luke 6:27-38 God’s Grace and Reconciliation
MARCH 2 Transformation Sunday Communion Rev. Julie Nygaard
Text/title: Luke 9:28-36 Changed Inside and Out
MARCH 5 ASH Wednesday services
12noon at Brookside UMC, 7pm at Trinity UMC
MARCH 9 1st Sunday of Lent Rev. Frederick Cain
Text/title: Luke 4:1-13 Wilderness Times
MARCH 16 2nd Sunday of Lent Jeff Heath, Lay Speaker
Text/title: Luke 13:31-35, John 17:20-25 Partners with God
MARCH 23 3rd Sunday of Lent Rev. Frederick Cain
Text/title: Luke 13:1-9, Psalm 63:1-8 The Power of Prayer
MARCH 30 UMCOR Sunday 4th Sunday of Lent Rev. Art Turner
Text/title: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 God’s Miracle Mindset
APRIL 6 5th Sunday of Lent Communion Rev. Julie Nygaard
Text/title: John 12:1-8 Costly Gifts of Love
APRIL 13 Palm Sunday Rev. Lillian French
Text/title: Luke 19:28-40 Hosanna! Welcome Jesus
APRIL 17 Maundy Thursday dinner program and Communion at Trinity UMC at 6:30pm. (Note: RSVP to Pastor Jennifer or Trinity church office.)
APRIL 18 Good Friday service at Trinity UMC at 7pm.
APRIL 20 Easter Sunday Jeff Heath, Lay Speaker
Text/title: John 20:1-18 Resurrection Life and Power
APRIL 27 2nd Sunday of Easter Rev. Frederick Cain
Text/title: John 20:19-31 Resurrection Faith
UMH- United Methodist Hymnal, FWS- Faith We Sing Hymnal